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Argos Mk9 2nw Timer Manual

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by ciatrathaman1975 2020. 2. 11. 21:32



Argos Mk9 2nw Timer Manual

I'm not suggesting this is practical (and you'd probably have to ignore various warnings in the instructions), but you.could. plug one of those mechanical timers into the electronic one, the function of the latter being to power the former for exactly half a week per week, so that on average the second timer is running at half speed.This 'daisy-chaining' wouldn't work for two electronic timers since the 'downstream' one has its own clock running.and wouldn't be fooled (two mechanical timers might work well).But. You'd probably drive yourself bonkers getting it right; a good question though. Hi, thank you for your product enquiry.The Masterplug brand timers in this Triple Pack 7-Day Electronic Timers have a built-in backup battery which could take up to 14 hours to recharge once the timer is plugged into a powered socket, but it can do this in the background so it will not affect the operation of any timer programs.The fact that your lamps did not come on could point to either a brake in the power supply between the timer and the lamps (i.e. A mains switch in the off position, a blown fuse, a loose wiring terminal etc.), the timer being in OFF mode rather than AUTO, or a timer program which was accidentally set either 12 hours away from the expected time or on a different day. Hi, thank you for your product enquiry.The Masterplug brand timers in this Triple Pack 7-Day Electronic Timers have an on-board backup battery which is good for 100+ hours of clock function and memory maintenance when fully charged, but we cannot guarantee that they will maintain function for a year whilst unplugged.Where batteries have fallen to a level where they cannot maintain clock and memory function they will need to be recharged for between 2 and 14 hours then reset (using a pin or straightened paper clip) and reprogrammed.


Hi, we are sorry to hear that you are experiencing an issue with your timers.What you describe is very unusual, and the actions which you have already take to resolve the problem are exactly as we would have advised, so it sounds like your timers have developed a component based problem which you are not going to be able to solve unfortunately.If the timers are still within warranty (1 year from date of purchase) then you are entitled to a replacement pack upon presentation of the problem units plus original proof of purchase. Hi, thank you for your product enquiry.The Masterplug brand timers in this Triple Pack 7-Day Electronic Timers remain in the last mode they were left in until the next programmed switching event causes them to change.In practical terms, this means that if the factory left a timer in ON mode after testing then it will still be in that mode after being programmed and until it reaches its next OFF timer program.You can use the MANUAL button to cycle from AUTO mode through to OFF mode and then back to AUTO again to get the unit into the pattern you are expecting. I have bought many of these over the years for xmas decorations, they are put away after xmas every year, some timers are over 5 years old, and are always dead with no display when I dig them out at xmas, I just just plug them in and press the reset button with a pen, the display should then appear and after a few hours they are recharged and working fine. The internal batteries are not removable and are sealed button type batteries which are soldered directly to the internal circuit board.I have had one timer which will not hold a charge and will go blank immediately if removed from the socket, but works fine still as long as the mains supply is constant.


I have followed instructions and done initial charge on all 3 Timers and they all work brilliantly.They are now sitting in the box with the digital time of day still working.I will most like not use them until I go on holiday in 8 months time. Can I switch them off until then and if so how?If not do I leave them in the box and then put them on charge before I use them?Or should they be charged up regularly and if so how frequently?Finally presumably the rechargeable battery has a limited life. What happens when the battery cannot be recharged? The pieces of paper with the timers say 'Do not use on an extension socket'.Does this mean do not plug the timeswitch into the wall then plug an extension lead into the timeswitch.ORdo not put an extension lead into the wall and plug a timeswitch into the end of the extension lead.please?If the total amps of the appliances using the extension lead/timeswitch do not exceed either of the fuses' ratings then where is the issue?I have asked this question before and had it approved but can't find it on the Q&A.Thanks. I am wondering whether the warning not to plug the timer into an extension lead is simply to avoid problems caused by mechanical damage.

Brinks Timer Manuals

Extension leads by their very nature are often dragged around, knocked or moved by other people in the house.This could conceivably lead to the timer being damaged but as long as the house was empty or due care was taken this would not be an issue.I hate it when instructions give a confusing recommendation like this without providing a simple explanation as to why!Quite possibly it is a typo and it really is concerned with clueless people attaching numerous unsuitable high-wattage appliances to the timer when the house is left unattended.